Three Absolute Must-Haves When Doing A School-Wide Variety Show

Entertainment Blog

Any old school assembly show features this or that act; kids singing, kids performing a play, etc.. It is the same-old, same-old ever year, right? Why not do something really different this year, and with students who actually want to be in the show? A variety show is an excellent choice to showcase budding performance talent of all types. Here are three absolute must-have acts to qualify your show as a variety show.

21 September 2017

Enjoying A Haunted House On Halloween

Entertainment Blog

Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year for people of all ages. You not only get to enjoy various types of treats and wear cool costumes, but there are usually numerous types of activities to partifipate in. If you are trying to figure out what a group of adults can do for fun besides going to a party, there are a few other ways to have a good time.

20 September 2017